Mary Jane Haake of Floating Word Press will be speaking on a Publisher's Panel at the Left Coast Crime Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, on Saturday March 18th. www.leftcoastcrime.org
Author Doc Macomber is on a panel at Left Cost Crime Convention on Friday, March 17th, called "A Different Kind of Cop" in which he will discuss his character Jason Colefield, a member of the River Patrol from his award winning book, River City.
"The Thorn Among the Roses".
River City, by Doc Macomber, has been selected to be added to the library’s e-book collection as part of the Library Writers Project. We had nearly 150 submissions to the Library Writers Project this year and yours was a standout. Your book will be featured on the Multnomah County Library OverDrive web site, which is accessed by 20,000 unique users monthly.
"The Thorn Among the Roses".
Award winning author, Doc Macomber, will be surrounded by talented women and one of ten mystery authors for this free event: "Learning to Love your Bad Guy — How to create a villain worthy of your hero or heroine." The event is sponsored by AUUW/Sisters in Crime. Discover how authors create memorable characters. You can get information about this event here: http://vancouver-wa.aauw.net/files/2015/08/Sisters-in-Crime-flyer-Mar-2016.pdf
River City by Doc Macomber, and its publisher, Floating Word Press, LLC have been nominated as a Top Three Finalist in the 2015 Benjamin Franklin Awards under the Suspense and Mystery Category. The IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards, which include fifty-five categories recognizing excellence in book editorial and design, are regarded as one of the highest national honors for independent publishers. For more info: http://www.ibpa-online.org/ibpa-benjamin-franklin-awards-2015-finalists/
From an Obit Writer, the Last Word on ‘The Last Word’
By BRUCE WEBER MARCH 11, 2017 From www.nytimes.com

Shirley MacLaine as Harriet Lauler in “The Last Word.” Credit Beth Dubber/Bleecker Street Media
In her next life, Shirley MacLaine may come back as a movie critic — you never know. If she does (or even if she doesn’t), she won’t likely look back on “The Last Word,” released this month, as a current-life highlight.
In the movie, Ms. MacLaine plays a relentlessly unpleasant woman who is convinced she knows better than anyone else about, well, anything. In her waning years, she decides she deserves more than the animosity she has elicited from just about everyone she has ever encountered, and she enlists (well, purchases) the aid of a newspaper reporter — a fetching young woman, of course, played by Amanda Seyfried — to write her flattering obituary in advance. Read rest of this article
Who knew you could have so much fun writing up your own death?
The new trend in obit writing, as taught by Victoria Haeselbarth of the Anchors.
Holly Nadler -
July 5, 2017

Victoria Haeselbarth leads "Pushing up Daisies," a workshop on how to write your own obituary. —Bella Bennett
You’ve just died — sorry for your own self-loss — but if you haven’t seen to details in advance of your expiration date, your nearest and dearest are scrimmaging to take care of everything left undone.
Who’s going to take your bozo of a cocker spaniel, who never entirely bought into the concept of elimination outdoors? Let’s say you were a hoarder, and now your heirs need to call in a fleet of dumpsters. Did you wish to be cremated and have your ashes scattered over Lucy Vincent, on a day chock-full of naked sunbathers?
The last item on your mourners’ list is going to be your obituary. Whoever knew you best will likely be allocated this chore: Where you were born, raised, met your childhood sweetheart, received your schooling, etc., etc. will all be noted, but will anyone, reading a cut-and-dried account of your life get to know, posthumously, the real you?
Read the rest of this article
"For those who want to learn more about writing your own
obituary, read the book by the same name by Craig C. Dunford” >> click here

Peter Korn of the Portland Tribune featured me in an article on Thursday. Check it out: In Character with Doc Macomber >>Read More…

Stephan Alexander of the Portland Tribune featured Doc Macomber in a recent article. Check it out: River City’ Navigates Tricky Waters… >>Read More
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Doc Macomber: >> Read on...
Maine Streaming Media has recorded the entire Jack Vu series by Doc Macomber, including the latest release, Riff Raff. They have also recorded the thought provoking "Have the Last Word, Write Your Own Obituary and Learn to Live", by Craig Dunford. The entire series is available via audio book and mp3 through Audible.com and Amazon.com
Website Link >> Maine Streaming Media
Prior to launching Maine Streaming Media, Giz Coughlin and Jerry Lyden brought Snip and Wolf's Remedy to life through their work with Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D).
Learn more about the voices behind the scenes!
Book Title:
Have the Last Word – Write Your Own Obituary And Learn to Live
By: Craig C. Dunford
Paperback | $12.95 | Non-Fiction | Adult | 978-0-9785717-1-9
Available Now to order "Click here"
Do you always want the last word? Write your own obituary and you can achieve that goal. Want to be buried in a clamshell? Turned into a blue diamond? Craig will tell you how. Afraid nobody will come to your big event? Hire a professional mourner. Not enough friends to carry you to your final resting place? Throw pall bearer cocktail parties and you can pick and choose over martinis. This resource guide invigorates, provokes and educates with pathos and humor.
Craig C. Dunford Bio/website >> "Click here"
www.NYTIMES.com article about THE LAST WORD article Read on >> "click here" |